This Is Why I Founded trackd

The concept of AutoPilot was developed by our founder while patching datacenter servers.

Today, we’re releasing something we’re calling AutoPilot (only because we couldn’t think of anything more clever). At first glance, it’s a basic upgrade to our auto-patching rules engine, offering an additional variable for IT operators to account for when determining whether or not to designate a patch for auto-update.

A Faster Horse

Today, those in vulnerability management often create development environments (aka sandboxes) to test whether or not new patches will cause disruptions on their networks…just like they’ve been doing for 3 decades. Which leads to only one conclusion: ARPA-H is funding an effort to build a faster horse. 

If it Ain’t Breaking Stuff, Fix It

A cute puppy and vulnerability management - unlikely combination

Tell us when patches are disruptive? Sure. But more importantly, let us know when they’re not, information that’s potentially much more actionable.