A Faster Horse

Today, those in vulnerability management often create development environments (aka sandboxes) to test whether or not new patches will cause disruptions on their networks…just like they’ve been doing for 3 decades. Which leads to only one conclusion: ARPA-H is funding an effort to build a faster horse. 

The Ultimate Guide to Patch Management for MSPs

A comprehensive guide to patch management for MSPs

Patch management is not just a best practice; it is an essential aspect of MSP operations. Failing to regularly patch systems and applications can leave your clients vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and system failures.

How to Patch Vulnerabilities: A Comprehensive Guide

Vulnerability Prioritization

Leaving vulnerabilities unpatched can expose organizations to significant risks. Attackers actively search for known vulnerabilities to exploit, and exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities is a common technique. Such attacks can result in data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

Why Patches Fail

Vulnerability patching isn't sexy, and often the reasons for patches not working aren't either.

In this blog series, we’ll look at some of the more mundane – albeit common and operationally-significant – reasons patches fail.

MSP Patch Management: The Delicate Balance Between Operational Risk & Security Risk

Modern patch management software provides insights on how patches have been disruptive to help identify the problem patches before they break a network.

The only thing better than learning from your own mistakes is learning from the mistakes of others. At trackd, we have come up with a radically simple but elegant solution to help organizations differentiate between the 98% of patches that are necessary and safe, and the 2% that will have your clients calling you on the weekends.

Even ChatGPT “Thinks” Patching Vulnerabilities is the Best Way to Secure an Organization

Patching vulnerabilities is the first and best step to securing the enterprise.

You don’t need to be a Large Language AI model or cyber spy to conclude that diligent and regular vulnerability remediation is a foundational element of enterprise cyber defense. If you were to embark on a comprehensive security system design for your home, for example, you might consider alarms, video cameras, and even a guard dog, but you’d probably start by fixing the broken locks on your first floor windows. And that’s exactly the same thought process enterprises should adopt when defending themselves against an ever-expanding and sophisticated pool of attackers.

Server Patching

Server patching is a critical part of enterprise cyber security

The primary new technology for server patching uses crowdsourced data on patches that have been applied to help guide remediation teams and highlight patches that have a history of disruption, and perhaps more valuably, those that have a history of safe deployment.